

Nigerian Air Force kick starts special training for education officers.

Nigerian Air Force kick starts special training for education officers.
The Nigerian Air Force (NAF) has organized a training on improving inventive teaching and learning for its education officers, quality self possession officers and Head Teachers of its primary schools.
Proclaim the training open on Tuesday in Jos, Air Marshal Hassan Abubakar, the Chief of the Air Staff (CAS), said that the exercise was punctually.

Represented by Air Commodore Garba Bello, the Commandant, Air Police Training Centre, Kerang in Plateau, Abubakar said that the training was part of his philosophy anchored on “Deliberate Training and Mission-Oriented Force Development.

”The selection of the conference theme: ‘Improving Innovative Teaching and Learning Processes in NAF Education System for Enhanced Scholarly Performance,’ is timely and most apt for this conference.

”This is because modern societies are developing educational technology tools to make lesson delivery more effective.
”Technology makes learning engaging for students and they learn better, remember better and also apply knowledge better to real life.

”The purpose of this conference is to set the stage to have a balanced and advanced NAF education system, a system that is manned by a crop of well-trained education staff under the effective leadership of trained, current and dedicated educational administrators.

 ”It is anticipated that you will come out with practical resolutions that would translate to better educational services driven by technological innovations” .
Abubakar, who commended NAF’s Directorate of Education for organising the training, urged participants to effectively combine their responsibilities as education officer and military personnel.

He explained that the increasing demand for admission into NAF schools suggests high standard of teaching and learning in the schools.

”The overwhelming demand for admission into NAF schools by both service personnel and civilians alike, is a testimony that the schools are well administered and of enviable standards
”The Senior School Certificate Examination (SSCE) results of NAF secondary schools in the recent past attest to the high academic standards of the schools.

”We will continue to provide the requisite support that will propel the directorate of education to greater heights.

”But I must draw the attention of serving education officers to the importance of effectively combining responsibility as education service providers with statutory military responsibilities,” he said.

He, however, charged the participants to constantly update their knowledge and skills so as to keep pace with international best practices, especially in the field of education.
The CAS further assured the participants of its continued support for viable educational policies and programmes that would create a conducive environment for teaching and learning in NAF

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