

ANLCA set forth game plan For Stakeholders participation.

ANLCA set forth game plan For Stakeholders participation.

The Association of Nigerian Licensed Customs Agents (ANLCA)  has set out  new tactics and approach for stakeholders and members engagement to change the narratives which in the past had impedes the group's growth.

The new perspective of stakeholders engagement is aimed at setting the association on the track of expansion and progress, as well as resolve burning issues between government and other port users in the maritime  industry.

National Publicity Secretary of ANLCA, Emmanuel C. Onyeme in a statement on Friday in Lagos guaranteed port users that the President of the association , Mr Emenike Kingsley  Nwokeoji led executives is working round to clock towards ensuring a peaceful coexistence of members, port operators and other government agencies in the sector.

Onyeme who is the Chief Executive Officer, AUG Nigeria Limited , a licensed customs agents company stated that "Since assumption of office in September 2023, the ANLCA leadership has launched  out collaboration and partnership with various stakeholders and government agencies ,namely, Nigeria Customs Service (NCS), Blue and Marine Economy Ministry , National Agency for Foods, Drugs and Administration Control ( NAFDAC), Seaport  Terminal Operators  Association of Nigeria ( STOAN), Maritime Police, Council for Regulation of Freight Forwarding in Nigeria ( CRFFN) among others", saying all the engagement is aimed to coordinate and present solutions for a hitch free operations in the ports.

According to him, It is on record that , the ANLCA leadership has severally engaged the NCS both at the management level at the headquarters in Abuja and  at commands to rub minds in addressing the numerous challenges facing  Import and  Export Trade, pointing out that "It is of note that the ANLCA NECOM recently visited the NCS Management to address the fluctuating exchange rate."

Continuing, Onyeme asserted that "The visit and subsequent world press conference addressed by the ANLCA leadership has given some  relieves  to freight forwarders, as the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN), has announced a regime of using the Exchange Rate at closing of Form 'M' for import duty payment. Though this may not be the destination, but the Emenike led ANLCA NECOM is pushing for a stable  exchange rate regime for imports."

"While the ANLCA NECOM may not want to duel on the challenges it met on the ground, the Association is matching actions with words to address them. 

"It is also pertinent to note that in any big family like ANLCA, there are bound to be disagreements, but that doesn't mean the house is divided. As often preach by Mr President, ANLCA is one big family, and every member should see it as such.

I have to make this clarification to douse the tension or misinformation in the media of recent, that ANLCA is in crises. Please, lets be guided  that there is no crises in ANLCA, but rather what I will call the backlash of the ongoing  reforms in the association, which led to some people giving way for others to have the opportunity to serve.

"I therefore appeal to our ever supportive media friends to continually join Mr President and the NECOM to build the new ANLCA of our dream. I also urged them to always confirm and verify their information and get both sides of the stories before going to press.

Finally, he pleaded with all ANLCA members to support the President and his team to actualize his vision for the new ANLCA. Even in disagreement and dissatisfaction, he urged them to remember the bigger picture of the big family. He noted that the association had suffered so many crises and undoing that has hindered the collective progress as a body of professionals.


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