

Excellent Examples in Punctuality, Timeliness and Overall Discipline

Comptroller Yusuf Decorates Promoted Officers of PTML Command 

.... Admonishes Them to Show Excellent Examples in Punctuality, Timeliness and Overall Discipline 

Kathy Kyari 

All recently promoted officers under the supervision of Ports Terminal Multiservices Limited (PTML) Command's Customs Area Controller, Comptroller Saidu Abba Yusuf, have been urged to grow into their new positions by setting outstanding examples of punctuality, timeliness, and general discipline. 

In addition to congratulating each promoted officer, Comptroller Yusuf reminded them that being on time is a key component of productivity.

He praised officers for their cooperation in maintaining the area's positive reputation as a model port, but he also said that being punctual is a mark of discipline that each officer should uphold. 

He went on to say that staying on duty whenever needed will aid in revenue collection, trade facilitation, and anti-smuggling efforts. 

"I want to urge all promoted officers to grow into their new ranks by showing excellent examples to their subordinates, loyal to the service and respectful to their superiors". He said 

"Our time release study on cargo clearance is hinged on the word time. Faster cargo clearance for which we have hit a record breaking three hours release of cargo for compliant traders, rely on timeliness. We couldn't have achieved this if we were late comers. Let your resumption time be observed as you have been doing. Keep it up and the sky will be your limit in all you do". 

"Your new rank is not the end. In fact it is the beginning of more tasks. Our Comptroller General of Customs, Bashir Adewale Adeniyi,MFR believes in results. Say no to giving excuses 

"Stakeholders,customs partnership is in our new law. We at PTML will continue to follow that step. From engagements,challenges are easily identified for solutions to be discovered". The CAC said

Comptroller Yusuf counseled officers who are still awaiting promotion to persevere in their efforts, as it will eventually materialize.

Newly decorated Chief Superintendent of Customs ME Ojo Ede appreciated President Bola Tinubu, Minister of Finance and Chairman of NCS Board, Mr. Wale Edun, CGC Wale Adeniyi, and the Customs Area Controller for their leadership while delivering a vote of gratitude on behalf of the promoted officers.

Alhaji Taiwo Mustapha, Board of Trustee Chairman of the Association of Nigeria Licensed Customs Agents (ANLCA), commended the officers on behalf of the stakeholders who were present at the ceremony.

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