

Jibril Buba Retires After 35 Years of Commendable Service

Jibril Buba Retires After 35 Years of Commendable Service 
Joyce Mmereole Okoli

Staff of Tin-can Island Port on Wednesday November 1, 2023 held a sent forth party for the out gone Port Manager, Jibril Buba, who bowed out of public service to the fatherland after 35 years.

Officials of the port who poured encomium on him for his dedication and focus on making port operations at Tin-can Island better, also noted that Buba was able to bring the bad traffic situation at the port during his early stage as port manager, under control. 

Speaking at the event, General Manager, Managing Director's officer, Ayodele Durowaiye, commended the retiring Port Manger who was also promoted to the General Manager before retiring, for being able to bring sanity to the port which used to be very chaotic.  

Earlier on, Buba had thanked members of staff of Tin-can Port for the support that they gave to him while serving as Port Manager. He tasked them to extend the same corporation that they give him to whoever the management of the Nigerian Ports Authority, NPA will appoint as his replacement.

Similarly, he applauded the maritime press for the support he enjoyed while serving as Port Manager. The sent forth was done through contributions from members of staff of the port.

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