

CISN Graduates 352; Invests Jolapamo As Patron

CISN Graduates 352; Invests Jolapamo As Patron
The famous Certified Institute of Shipping of Nigeria (CISN), Magbon, Badagry, Lagos has graduated 352 successful students at its 24th Convocation/Investiture, Passing Out Parade of Cadets and Awards Ceremony 2023.

The grand ceremony was held at the Princess (Dr.) Vicky Haastrup Multipurpose Auditorium.

In his welcome address, the Founder and Proprietor of the institute, Prof. Alex Favour Okwuashi, congratulated the graduands, rejoiced with them and their families on their noteworthy academic achievements.

He hoped that they will positively impact the various sectors of the Nigerian economy and the challenge being faced as a nation as they begin another phase in their individual lives.

While constituting the assembly as a congregation for the convocation and award ceremonies for 2022/2023 academic session, Prof. Okwuashi expressed the appreciation of the governing council to all staff, both academic and non-academic, for their steadfastness to see that the institute's name competes favourably among its peers.

Delivering the convocation lecture titled "Entrepreneurial Opportunities In Maritime And Blue Economy Sector For Nigerian Youths In A Depressed Economy", the 1!aHOD, Shipping Management of the institute, Mr. Okeke O. Okeke noted that blue economy strives to balance economic growth, social equity (such as employment and poverty reduction) and environmental preservation.

Okeke enjoined Nigerian youths to tap fully into the entrepreneurial opportunities that the Nigerian Maritime and Blue Economy sector has graciously placed into their Revenue: Apapa Command Makes N11.3bn Outstanding Daily Collection

Joyce Mmereole Okoli 

…Generates N135bn in October 2023
The Apapa Command of Nigeria Customs Service has achieved a landmark revenue collection feat with the generation of N11.3bn on November 22, 2023 thereby surpasssing the existing highest daily collection record of N10bn which was  achieved on August 3, 2023.
In a press release issued by the Customs Public Relations Officer of the Command, CSC Abubakar Usman it stated  that Comptroller Babajide Jaiyeoba, Customs Area Controller (CAC) of the command , who described the collection as a fallout of teamwork, system audit ,compliance and zero compromise,further urged officers of the command to sustain the tempo of hard work.
Comptroller Jaiyeoba said the command has been more focused on its mandate and collected N135bn for the month of October, which presently is the highest monthly collection in its history.
According to the CAC, the recent daily and monthly revenue collection achievements should be a motivation for officers to do more to justify the confidence invested in the service by the Federal Government and meet the expectations of the Comptroller-General of Customs, Bashir Adewale Adeniyi, MFR, in the areas of maximum revenue collection, legitimate trade facilitation and suppression of smuggling. 
The CAC also urged members of the Apapa port community like importers, licensed customs agents, chandlers, haulage operators, and freight forwarders to see compliance and obedience to laws as part of their civic responsibility as citizens. 
He reiterated that his office is open for dialogue and suggestions on ways to improve customs service delivery and achieve federal government objectives. 
Comptroller Jaiyeoba lauded the various federal government agencies for their cooperation while describing customs relationship with them as excellent all geared towards realizing government goals. 
"We are very optimistic about meeting our target for the year. Even though, from the initial part of the year, it was not what was expected but from what we have been recording in the last 2 months , I am very optimistic that we will be able to get there".
"I keep telling some of my surbodinates, who want to be discouraged, that it is not over until it is over.I believe it is achievable.What we need is the willpower and the willpower is there. I know that by the end of the year, we will have cause to celebrate. "
"My counsel to sister agencies is that they stick to their standard operating  procedures, and I want to put on record that other security agencies  have been cooperating with us."
"The issue is just with these non-governmental organizations, and we will continue to tell them let's play the game by the rules. Whether you are an agent or licensed chandler,  there is a condition for your license.The condition for every operator is spelt out. If we all play according to the rules of the game, there will be less friction, and we will be able to achieve a secured port environment. "
"I keep telling people that we are working  because the port is secured .The onus is not only on any of us, but all of us. We should all be able to do what we need to do to secure the port. An agent can discover that some of their counterparts are doing things that can undermine the security of the port. They  should let us know so that we will address it right from the beginning before it causes a problem to everyone, " the CAC said.~mjjo0hands on a platter of gold.

"Don't procrastinate. Our youths should runiajpI away from the Get - Rich - Quick syndrome, 419 acts, drug abuse and trafficking, kidnapping, rituals, armed robbery, hook up, prostitution and other manners of vices.

" Don't wait for another opportunity. Take full advantages of the opportunities that are available now in the Maritime and Blue Economy sector and you will have course to rejoice now and tomorrow," Okeke advised Nigerian youths.

He charged the youths to be graduates and youths in the Maritime Transport Sector who in turn are job creators and not job seekers; providers of employment  opportunities for themselves and others and not dependents; investors and entrepreneurs, who are geared towards helping in reviving Nigeria's depressed economy.

The highpoint of the event was the investiture of the shipping magnate, Chief (Dr.) Isaac Jolapamo, as the Patron of the Institute.

Responding to his investiture as Patron, Jolapamo appreciated God, the governing board of the CISN, staff and students on his investiture.

He described the creation of Marine and Blue Economy Ministry to cater solely for the immeasurable resources of the seas and inland waterways as a watershed in the annals of Nigeria's history.

According to Chief Jolapamo,  the feat underscores the realization of the government of the role that the maritime industry is capable of playing in creating wealth for nationals and foreigners alike.
He said that capacity building (training and retraining of technical maritime personnel), which the institute is devoted to, featured very prominently in the brainstorming session of a Stakeholders Roundtable with the Minister of Marine and Blue Economy earlier in the week.
The shipping icon noted that the role CISN is expected to play in achieving the laudable objectives of the Federal Government and all stakeholders cannot be overemphasized. 

He said he was very much aware of the weight of the responsibilities of his high office as the patron.

Jolapamo assured of his unwavering commitment and passion for the development of the maritime industry and the institute.

"By the grace of the Almighty God, the Giver of all good things, I promise never to let the institute down in any way.
"I am confident that our Creator will give me all the resources needed: physical, financial, etc. to perform my role only to His glory," he asserted.

He promised that as the patron his doors will always remain open to the institute for any assistance that may be required of him.

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