

Cargo Trafficking Note Causing Inter Agency Rivary in the Maritime Sector- Jime

Cargo Trafficking Note Causing  Inter Agency Rivary  in the  Maritime  Sector- Jime

Joyce Mmereole Okoli
Inter agency rivary is no doubt one of the challenges of the government of the federal republic of Nigeria, this was made known at the appreciation night organized by the Leagues of Maritime Editors in honour of the former. Minster of transportation, Mu'azu Jaji Sambo and minister of state for transportation, Prince Ademola Adegoroye in Lagos.

The Executive Secretary, Chief Executive Officer of The Nigerian Shippers' Council, RT. Hon. Emmanuel Jime made this known to publics while giving his good will message about the ministers.

He made it known unequivocally that in the ministry of transportation, there are many departments and agencies that wanted to have the over sight functions of the council as one of their functions.

He said if not for the doggedness of Mu'azu Sambo that the supervision of Cargo Tracking Note (CTN) would have eluded the council and another agency of the government in the sector who is eyeing the responsibility of the Nigerian Shippers Council as the economy regulator wanted to take that responsibility off them and also lobbying to be in charge of the cargo tracking note.

RT. Hon. Emmanuel Jime also said the former minister Sambo stood for them at the federal executive council meeting and also made sure CTN is one their function to the federal government. He said that is a huge responsibility for the council.

 While eulogusing the former minister, the Managing Director of the Nigerian Ports Authority, Mohammed Bello Koko gave credence to what Jime said. 

He said there are many biased individuals in the industry and also, people who would do anything to pull others down in order to be seen as the beast.

He said the beginning was turbulent for him with Jaji Sambo and later became a good relationship which no one can intrude into.

He also said many times, he declined minister's call and would not even call back because of his believe that the Minister was listening to the people of pull him down syndrome but later, they became good friends.

Mu'azu Jaji Sambo and Ademola Aderoye were the ministers in charge of the transportation ministry for eight months and they did their best in the short period in charge.

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