

NAGAFF: Reconstituted 100% Compliance Team employs Best Practices to meet the Mandate

NAGAFF: Reconstituted 100% Compliance Team employs Best Practices to meet the Mandate 

... As Ejiogu is named Head of Operations 
... Aims to expose shady Government Officials and Practitioners.

By Kathy Kyari
The newly reconstituted 100% Compliance Team of the National Association of Government Approved Freight Forwarders (NAGAFF) has taken aggressive steps toward fulfilling its goal in order to have seamless operations this year.

To this end, Alhaji Ibrahim Tanko, the National Coordinator of the Compliance Team, has appointed Fwdr. Stanley Ejiogu, the former Vice Chairman of the Tincan Island Chapter of NAGAFF, as the Team's Head of Operations.

The appointment has become necessary in order to start carrying out their planned actions, according to Alhaji Tanko, who made the announcement during the first meeting of the newly reconstituted Team at its secretariat in Eleganza Complex, Wharf -Apapa, Lagos. He also promised that more appointments would be made soon.

He emphasized that while they (the Compliance Team members) are now prepared to work, they still need the chapter Chairmen of NAGAFF's cooperation and understanding as they carry out their duties in the interest of freight forwarders, NAGAFF, and other industry stakeholders "No one is the target of our witch hunt. Don't let them think of us as rivals. We are members of the same large NAGAFF family and are partners in advancement."
The security agencies in the industry, including the Police, EFCC, and the ICPC, would work with Tanko's team to ensure complete compliance with trade regulations, preventing unnecessary delays of cargo at the ports, demurrages, and other infringements.

"We will work with security agencies such as EFCC, ICPC and we have had meetings with them , we have understanding with them and they are ready to work with us . In fact, we will even go for training with them on how to get facts and figures. So we are ready to work now and anybody who thinks he is a god , we are going to tell him, he is not  god."

The 100% Compliance Team boss noted that the group still goes by its former name, 100% Compliance Team, as opposed to 100% Compliance Task Team as seen in some online media, but he urged his team members to be committed to duty and ensure honesty and transparency in carrying out their task in order to fulfill their mandate.
Also speaking, Dr. Fred Ajuzie, Chairman of the Compliance Team at Western Avenue, emphasized the importance of the members' sincerity, attention, and commitment to the achievement of their stated goals.

Dr. Ajuzie advised them to follow in the admirable footsteps of the team's National Coordinator, Alhaji Ibrahim Tanko, by going above and beyond in their tasks in order to produce results.

"As we are here, concept of old is gone. We are now in a new concept  and because of that you must show seriousness in your job, The old Concept is gone, work assiduously and be diligent in your duties . 

The newly appointed Head of Operations of the 100% Compliance Team, Fwdr. Stanley Ejiogu, described his new role as a heculian task in his acceptance speech but vowed to live up to his responsibilities.
"I was fully working for NAGAFF. I presumed that was why the national coordinator of 100% Compliance Team, Alhaji Ibrahim Tanko and his management team thought it wise to appoint me because they have seen my commitment in NAGAFF and all the input I have made not minding that I lost in the last chapter election of NAGAFF. Indeed, am very happy. 
I will not disappoint the national coordinator, Alhaji Tanko."

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