

MWUN denies involvement in truck drivers' extortion

MWUN denies involvement in truck drivers' extortion

By Kathy Kyari

Maritime Workers Union of Nigeria (MWUN) has absolved itself from the claims of extortion, vandalism and harassment levelled against it by the Council Of Maritime Transport Unions and Associations (COMTUA).

MWUN in a press statement  signed by its Secretary General, Com. Felix Akingboye and titled, ‘TOO MANY LIES OF Prince Adeyinka Aroyewun’, the union outrightly debunked involvement in any of such activity, stating that such things are outside its jurisdictional scope and membership composition.

The statement maintained that MWUN is a partner in growing Nigeria’s economy, ensuring peace in all ports, terminals, jetties and oil and gas platforms which informs its unblemished decade long record of maintaining industrial peace in the Maritime sector.

The union enjoined the public to ignore COMTUA’s allegations, describing them as lies conspired to tarnish and rubbish the well laid foundation of the Union.

“The attention of Maritime Workers Union of Nigeria has been drawn to a press release making the rounds released by an online medium “TodaysNews” anchored by one Jerry Aguigbo and published January 16″ 2023: targeting the personage of the President General and other union officials while alleging MWUN involvement in activities outside its jurisdictional scope and membership composition.

“Ordinarily MWUN will not join issues with COMTUA, however, we are compelled by the manipulative and malicious lies put forth into public space by a clearly disgruntled and disoriented Prince Adeyinka Aroyewun to issue this rebuttal. We wish to point out that MWUN and other reputable unions and associations were founding members of COMTUA but had to withdraw their membership because continually a faction of COMTUA led by Prince Adeyinka Aroyemun breached COMTUA Memorandum of Understanding and resorted to blackmail and threats to members, security agents and government alike.

“He even went to the extent of writing frivolous petitions against COMTUA members while inciting in fighting. We are not therefore, surprised that Prince Adeyinka Aroyewun has once again resorted to his gutter tactics of wantonly peddling falsehood as his means of getting back at MWUN for withdrawing its membership from COMTUA.


“Short of libellous, Prince Adeyinka Aroyemun assertion that MWUN tolls 20 checkpoints from coconut Bus stop to Tin can island gate, a distance of about 1000 meters is a figment of his myopic imagination and a deliberate lie designed to malign our good image. Too many lies of Adeyinka Aroyewun," the statement declared.


The statement stressed that the President General of MWUN, Comrade (Prince) Adeyanju Adewale, has over the years built a reputation based on probity and proper public service and has contributed in no small measure to the growth, sustenance and development of the maritime sector. 
The statement added that this can be attested to by the many myriad of accolades conferred on him by both government and other relevant stakeholders in the maritime industry: saying that to drag his name into this frill is wicked and unfortunate.

The statement further said that; “For the sake of clarity, MWUN confines its activities to areas clearly within its jurisdictional scope one of which is haulage, ably superintendent by one of our highly trained and respected union official – Com. Taofeek Shorinola.

“Our well-trained members will and have not in any circumstance gone against the law as they ply their trade within the exclusive economic zone of the ports and cannot be found on the roads outside the port vicinity. This again is one of the many lies of Prince Adeyinka Aroyemun, concerted to tarnish and rubbish the well laid foundation of MWUN and should therefore be ignored”.

It will be recalled that COMTUA, in a statement by its National President, Prince Adeyinka Aroyewun recently accused MWUN of having 20 illegal tolling points from Coconut to Tincan Port Second Gate, where N2,000 is forcefully collected per point from its members, and called for the intervention of government and relevant agencies.

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