

Apapa Customs: Auwal Takes Over as Apapa Customs Controller

Apapa Customs: Auwal Takes Over as Apapa Customs Controller 

The newly Promoted Acting Assistant Comptroller-General of Nigeria Customs Service (NCS), Comptroller Yusuf Malanta has handed over leadership of the Apapa Command to Comptroller Auwal Mohammed. 

Speaking at the hand over ceremony which took place at the Apapa Command, malanta urged officers at the Command, stakeholders and members of the press to give his successor the same level of support he received as  as the head of the Command.

The newly promoted ACG urged stakeholders to be transparent in declaring their cargos to help fast track the trade process and make for competitiveness in the demand and supply value chain rather than cutting corners.

“I urge the stakeholders to continue to be compliant, the era of cutting corners should stop, go straight and you will be there earlier than you think. Trade can only be predicted when you are compliant,” he said.

"I understand that trade is going down.  There are so many unpredictability in trade today. I always say, the shortest distance between two points is a straight line. The era of cutting corners is over. Go straight (in your trade practices) and you would be there in no time. 
"Trade is more predicted when you are compliant. Declare the true content of your cargo. Declare the full value of your cargo. Remember, custom duty is aggregated by a compound of cost of goods, freight and insurance. It is only when you declare your actual cost, freight and insurance that trade can be competitive and cargo can move," he said.

Yusuf described the incoming controller as an
 exemplary officer for his topnotch professionalism in Customs processes.

"Auwal is all about due process, so we are now in the era of due process. I know Compt Auwal can do it better, he has a much more midas touch,”  he said.

The newly appointed Controller of the Apapa Command of the Nigeria Customs Service (NCS) Comptroller Auwal Muhammed has promised to sustain the tempo and strength the outgoing CAC  laid down by surpassing the  revenue generation at the command with the support of the officers. 

He also charged that releasing and examination officers ensure 100 per cent physical examination of cargoes.

 “My first assignment is to make sure that I sustain the tempo, that is why in addition to remodeling of the command, we are going to introduce due process, this means doing your work without any blemish.

“I am going to corporate with you, encourage and legitimately support you. I am appealing to you not to relent on your efforts but to double and grant me the support you have given to my senior colleague and the sky will not be our limit but the starting point,”  

“I want to urge the releasing and examination officers that, no package or containers should leave Apapa port without 100 percent examination,” he stated.

Malanta presented some officers of the command who has showed dedication and excelled with their work to up the revenue of the command with Certificates of Honour of the Service including the  Public Relations Officer of the Command CSC Abubakar Usman. 

"The Service is rewarding those who have played a good role in ensuring that the Customs system is enhanced and compliance is strictly adhered to. 

" However, the fact that your name isn’t called doesn’t mean that your work isn’t recognized. You should continue to blow your trumpets by yourself with exemplary conduct and professionalism,” Malanta said. 

Under the outgoing CAC, Apapa Command made N1.02trillion in 2022, the first of its kind in the history of the Service.

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