

Court gives control of waterways to NIWA

A federal high court has ruled that the National Inland Waterways Authority (NIWA) has exclusive power on legislation, enforcement, management and control of inland waterways in Nigeria.

The Federal High Court of Nigeria in the Port-Harcourt Judicial Division holding at Port-Harcourt before his Lordship Hon. Justice I.S Mark gave the order in his judgment.

According to the judgement, a state government has no Authority/Power to legislate on (and enforce compliance of its legislation that affect) the use, management and control of Inland waterways in Nigeria as it is exclusively within the control of National Inland Waterways Authority (NIWA) by virtue of the constitution and the Act establishing NIWA by the National Assembly.

The judge gave the order in the Suit No: FHC/PH/CS/142/2022 between Bright Waters Energy Limited (plaintiff) and the Honorable Attorney-General and Commissioner for Justice, Rivers State, the Hon. Commissioner of Environment, Rivers State and Petroleum Financial Corporate (PFC) as (defendants).

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